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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

MusiXmatch: get your lyrics rolling on iPhone and Android

This is the best app that i've tested to see the lyrics of the song i'm listening to in my mobile phone. MusiXmatch is not perfect, it annoyed me a lot in the past but is the best i know.
This works as a music player, showing all your music and playlists. Then it downloads the lyrics and show them scrolling, syncing to the music. You can add missing lyrics, flag problems and re-sync them.

I have a suggestion for the makers of the app: show more of the lyrics at the same time. Today, you see the phrase that’s on and the next in line. Fill the screen with lyrics and keep them coming, just highlighting what is supposed tone going at that precise moment. With the syncing errors, strange cuts and even wrong lyrics it would made easy for us to keep up with the song anyway.

You already did a great job with this project. Works good almost always, the design is much better without the orange font in the middle, and other improvements.

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