Whatever i want or need to get out, put out. Design, games, cars, technology, life.


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Monday, August 22, 2016

VR racing is da bomb

I saw these two videos recently and my desire to play racing games with virtual reality (VR) just increased.

Since VR started becoming a reality, i was thrilled by the possibility of looking around. Yes, VR is great for playing lots of things, and shooters are a very interesting possibility, but i love racing more than anything and to play sitting down is more appealing.

So, looking around. I was worried that the gameplay would become a little jerky, shaking a lot. You can see that in one of the videos but it's just for a moment.

This first one is short and sweet. The guy is amazed playing Driveclub VR with a PS4 and a steering wheel:

I don't expect much from Driveclub, but this makes me want to try it more.

The second one is a full 12 lap race in Assetto Corsa, using a PC VR rig and the Thrustmaster T300 racing wheel. This guy is good, especially because he talks us through the whole race and does a really great piece of driving:

I want to have a steering wheel again so bad, and now i need a VR too.

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