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Monday, September 7, 2015

How to send an iTunes playlist to somebody

So i wanted to send a new playlist that i´ve made to someone. It´s an old idea that i was putting
together and needed to share with a person that had the same taste.

But i didn´t want to get every song out of their folders and put them in another folder to send away. Gladly the answer was easier than i ever imagined.

Just select the songs in iTunes and drag them to your desired folder! Amazing! I don´t see nothing so practical since the invention of the analog volume button (and i wish they would be back).

The second step is to send the list that is in iTunes, so the receiving person can add it like it is to its library. At first i tried exporting the xml file, like in the screenshot that you probably see somewhere around in this post.

But i found that iTunes doesn't use the xml or an m3u file separately for each playlist. It stores this data in its library file, containing all the information of, let´s see, your library, i guess.

Since i was already sending all the music files in one folder, i just instructed the receiver to add them to their library using the menu File > Add to library, and then selecting the songs that will pop up in order at the Recently Added section and adding them to a new playlist. Done.

As for piracy, i don´t have a completely formed opinion on this yet. Although i am sharing this song with a close person with whom we share our music anyway.

Ah, thinking about it: music stores should have an option to share playlists, even if it made the other person buy the songs they don´t have. Does it exist already?

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